
About the project…

Go Ahead, Play With Your Food!

This installation imagines the Great Unknown as a land with oversized food items that are not quite as they seem.

Close up, viewers will discover a birthday cake slide, a coffee cup merry-go-round, & watermelon seesaw. Items will also have lights, aromas, and sound effects to add to their other-wordly effect.

Participants are invited to break the rules: to play with their food. To touch the art. And to imagine a world where things do not smell or look or feel as we usually know them.

Participants are invited to experience "discovery" again. To discover a cup of coffee, a piece of cake, & a slice of watermelon again… but to really experience them in a deeper, more joyful, and more meaningful way.

We are excited to bring this special gift to everyone at Burning Man, and hope that the love and time we put into this meal for the senses will inspire them to play and explore in their everyday life an invigorated sense of joy and curiosity.

Join us at Burning Man 2022 to Play With Your Food!


Keegan Rice

- Build Lead and Co-Artist

Keegan Rice is a professional artist based in Calgary, Alberta (Canada). He’s built a variety of large installations at events such as Shambhala Music Festival, Future Forest, and the Mashing / Banff Beer Festivals.

Keegan started out hosting community art projects, workshops, and harm reduction at events across western Canada with the Creative Avenue Collective, before attending art school at VCA and working as a live-artist, mural, commission, and concept artist for various companies, events, and individuals across Canada.

His current projects include the “Play With Your Food” project, concept art for Geometric Gaming, mural work for Float Now Saskatoon, large works for The McMan Foundation, and many more to come.


Bryan Saunders

- Project Manager & Co-Artist

Play With Your Food will mark Bryan’s 3rd visit and 3rd major gift to Black Rock City. He has previously attended Burning Man in 2017 as part of Fire Conclave, and as an aerialist and director in 2019—when he brought an international, 20-person, 5-act aerial circus show to perform off of the Man Pavilion.

Bryan has been the volunteer coordinator for several large-scale international arts events in his hometown of Edmonton, Canada and—in the process—has project managed groups as large as 150 people. He was also a Burning Man camp lead in 2019 and was tickled pink to see his camp show up completely green on that year’s MOOP map.

Bryan looks forward to this new challenge of bringing this joyous, 3000 lb, multi-piece art-installation to the middle of the desert, and hopes that he can count on your support to help make it happen!